Starting To Feel Like A Real Game!

Calum Slee
1 min readMay 2, 2021

Just a quick and quiet update seeing as it’s Sunday. It’s been a big week between work and getting my game to where it currently is. But hey, things look and feel like a real game now! As you can see in the above image we have a speed powerup. I’ve added three different powerups all running modularly! Over the next few day’s I’ll be posting about how each one works and different elements of how to setup such a system.

We have a player, we have control and a laser to shoot, we have continuously spawning enemies, and we now have powerups. Our next steps to make this feel like a complete game is to add a User Interface, and some audio — which I’m really looking forward to! Depending how much free time I get I may integrate Wwise to create more immersive audio than just adding general one shot sounds. Be sure to keep an eye out or follow my blog for that article!

Now to come up with a name…

